Malware and Virus Removal

We offer virus removal services. This involves cleaning any unwanted files from the computer without the loss of data. We will upgrade your computers security. Aswell as potential dangers Malware and Viruses can make your computer run slowly and removal of these files will improve the performance of the computer


We can reinstall your computer to factory settings with or without data back up. If you would like us to save your files we can do this for you and restore them to the computer after re-installation or we can erase all data.

Data Recovery

Documents and photos can be lost in the blink of an eye, either due to hardware failure or user error. If you have lost important files we can run recovery software to recover the files or try to manually recover them, however recovery is not always possible.


We can offer solutions for home or office networks of all sizes. Please contact us to discuss your needs and we will offer the best solution. Networks are used for file sharing, Internet, Printer Sharing and much more. If you have trouble with an existing network we can take a look for you.


Hardware failures can be sudden and without warning or you may notice your PC deteriorate over time. We can diagnose hardware failures and quote for a repair.


As your computer agesĀ and more software is installed you may like to upgrade the hardware. Common upgrades include RAM and Storage upgrades.